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ТЕМА: English Speaking Member(s)

English Speaking Member(s) 27 Юни 2011 13:13 #4222

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I am new to Bulgaria and the MD Federation and I want to get more involved but I cannot communicate too well. I am at a big disadvantage, az ne gaborya Bulgarski!!!! I am living in Plovdiv, and would be interested in getting together with others around the area to do some detecting.

I was unable to go to the meeting in June and not sure for the time that is scheduled in Sept.

I hope that with a thread in English, it would lure more non-Bulgarians who speak English, even as a second language, to get involved. I am sure that there are more people like me. I can cut and paste the posts in the Forum on Google translate but some things seem get lost in the translation.
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Отг:English Speaking Member(s) 27 Юни 2011 13:33 #4223

  • Slavitoooo
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SMITTY написа:
I am new to Bulgaria and the MD Federation and I want to get more involved but I cannot communicate too well. I am at a big disadvantage, az ne gaborya Bulgarski!!!! I am living in Plovdiv, and would be interested in getting together with others around the area to do some detecting.

I was unable to go to the meeting in June and not sure for the time that is scheduled in Sept.

I hope that with a thread in English, it would lure more non-Bulgarians who speak English, even as a second language, to get involved. I am sure that there are more people like me. I can cut and paste the posts in the Forum on Google translate but some things seem get lost in the translation.

Hello James!
Congratulations on your membership in BNFM!
Would be nice to Bulgarian seekers to get acquainted with your email and use "google translate".
You will have to Nkolet ambassadors BNFM among English-speaking colleagues!

Best Regards!
Здравей James !
Поздравления за членството ви в БНФМ !
Приятно ще е за българските търсачи да се запознаят с вас пишете и използвайте " google translate " .
Вие с Нколет ще сте посланици на БНФМ сред англоговорящите колеги !

С Уважение !
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Отг:English Speaking Member(s) 27 Юни 2011 13:54 #4224

  • Mila
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Let James and all the other English speakers to write in their native language. Anyway, now English has become international. And we will use the Google translator.
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Отг:English Speaking Member(s) 27 Юни 2011 15:59 #4226

  • nikmacve
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James, hello. I'm English. Welcome! Between us all and Google translator, I'm sure the forum can cope :-) I'm near Veliko Tarnovo, with a Garrett Ace 150 that's had only a couple of good outings - one yesterday in Lovech. What about you? I can say that all the BNFM members have made me most welcome.
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Отг:English Speaking Member(s) 27 Юни 2011 17:02 #4227

  • bati_jenko
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SMITTY написа:
I am new to Bulgaria and the MD Federation and I want to get more involved but I cannot communicate too well. I am at a big disadvantage, az ne gaborya Bulgarski!!!! I am living in Plovdiv, and would be interested in getting together with others around the area to do some detecting.

I was unable to go to the meeting in June and not sure for the time that is scheduled in Sept.

I hope that with a thread in English, it would lure more non-Bulgarians who speak English, even as a second language, to get involved. I am sure that there are more people like me. I can cut and paste the posts in the Forum on Google translate but some things seem get lost in the translation.
I am from Plovdiv.You cam call me,if You want. ;)
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Отг:English Speaking Member(s) 27 Юни 2011 19:28 #4228

  • Aemilivs
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I propose to the webmaster to make a foreign languages members section in english.
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Отг:English Speaking Member(s) 27 Юни 2011 22:07 #4230

  • Ахмед Мерчев
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Aemilivs написа:
I propose to the webmaster to make a foreign languages members section in english.
- Thanks for the idea. A few minutes ago was created a Section for members speaking foreign languages. This topic was moved to it.
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Отг:English Speaking Member(s) 04 Юли 2011 11:16 #4270

  • Slavitoooo
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Board of BNFM congratulates of James Smith and all American friends of metal detecting to celebrate Independence Day!

Борда на БНФМ поздравява Джеймс Смит и всички американски приятели на металдетектинга по случай Деня на Независимостта!
Последна промяна: 06 Юли 2012 09:43 от .
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Re:Отг:English Speaking Member(s) 04 Юли 2011 20:29 #4272

  • SMITTY's Avatar
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mnogo blagodaria for recognizing America's Independence Day, the 4th of July. the day to reflect upon our freedom and democracy. And, to remember the ones who gave the ultimate sacrificed for that freedom and the ones who still today protect that freedom.
Thank you

Много благодаря за признанието на Деня на Независимостта - 4ти юли - ден, който се е отразил на свободата ни и демокрацията. И нека да помним тези, които са дали максимална саможертва за свободата и за тези, които днес все още защитават свободата.

Благодарв ви
Последна промяна: 06 Юли 2012 09:38 от .
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Модератори: Slavitoooo, djendaka, yaponetsa, Ilia, skita6t, FLORE, hektor, dertlibey, admin


Илия Илиев

Председател на Българска национална федерация по металдетектинг

Ловеч 5500

Ул. Цар Освободител 33, ет. 2, ап. 3

Тел. 0898584502

Електронна поща: info@metaldetecting.bg

Иван Джендов

Заместник-председател на Българска национална федерация по металдетектинг

Тел. 0887933802

Георги Георгиев


Тел. 0887721898