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ТЕМА: BLISSTOOL test field installation with plastic tube at 45 degrees of polygon BLISSTOOL BSB.

BLISSTOOL test field installation with plastic tube at 45 degrees of polygon BLISSTOOL BSB. 08 Дек 2014 13:44 #25088

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BLISSTOOL test field installation with plastic tube at an angle of 45 degrees in the ground of polygon BLISSTOOL BSB.

The BLISSTOOL test field installation with plastic tube at an angle of 45 degrees in the ground of polygon BLISSTOOL BSB, provides an opportunity for detailed testing of the depth of detection of metal detectors for a variety of metal objects at a depths up to about 90 - 100 cm in the ground.

Video from the creation of the field installation:

Gallery with photos from the creation of the field installation:


The terrain, in which was created the field installation is medium mineralized and as a composition, is a mixture of soil, rocks, stones, and coarse-grained sand composed mainly of broken stones and rocks due to erosion. At digging in the terrain, from about 30 cm to about 100 cm in depth, dominated mainly rocks, which were broken down to make a trench with approximate dimensions (L x W x H): 100 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm.

In the two opposite end of the trench, were placed two plastic tubes (with diameters: 110 mm and 75 mm) at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the terrain.

The trench and the dug from it land were checked in detail with metal detector BLISSTOOL LTC64X (THE BEAST) v5, as were removed all metal contaminants.

Since the tube is angled 45 degrees to the surface of the ground, according to the Pythagorean theorem, each 1.41 linear centimeters from the length of the tube, correspond to 1.00 cm real depth of detection (the distance from the surface of the ground to the buried metal object, straight down).

Given that during the tests, the measuring line and the tested metal object secured to its front end at an angle of 45 degrees, are moving at different depths in the tube, the measurements of the depth of detection are performed with BLISSTOOL measuring line 1.41 for 45 degrees, which is graduated in 1.41 cm (the distance between any two readings of the line), not through 1.00 cm, in order the reading of the line to meet the real depth of detection.

Video with explanations for BLISSTOOL measuring line 1.41 for 45 degrees:

Gallery with photos of BLISSTOOL measuring line 1.41 for 45 degrees:


Examples for the readings of BLISSTOOL measuring line 1.41 for 45 degrees:

- Reading 10 of the line = 10 cm real depth of detection straight down = 10 x 1.41 = 14.1 linear centimeters at the length of the tube and the line;
- Reading 20 of the line = 20 cm real depth of detection straight down = 20 x 1.41 = 28.2 linear centimeters at the length of the tube and the line;
- Reading 36 of the line = 36 cm real depth of detection straight down = 36 x 1.41 = 50.76 linear centimeters at the length of the tube and the line;
- Reading 45 of the line = 45 cm real depth of detection straight down = 45 х 1.41 = 63.45 linear centimeters at the length of the tube and the line;
- Reading 52 of the line = 52 cm real depth of detection straight down = 52 x 1.41 = 73.32 linear centimeters at the length of the tube and the line;
- Reading 58 of the line = 58 cm real depth of detection straight down = 58 x 1.41 = 81.78 linear centimeters at the length of the tube and the line;
- Reading 66 of the line = 66 cm real depth of detection straight down = 66 x 1.41 = 93.06 linear centimeters at the length of the tube and the line;
- Reading 100 of the line = 100 cm real depth of detection straight down = 100 x 1.41 = 141 linear centimeters at the length of the tube and the line.

Field tests of BLISSTOOL metal detectors, in which is used the field installation, are available in YouTube channel BLISSTOOL:


Complex parallel tests of BLISSTOOL metal detectors with other brands metal detectors, in which is used the field installation, are available in YouTube channel BLISSTOOLVERSUS:

BLISSTOOL металдетектори: www.blisstool.com, Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите., GSM: 0883450667, Skype: blisstool, ahmed_merchev, Лице за контакт: Ахмед Мерчев
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Илия Илиев

Председател на Българска национална федерация по металдетектинг

Ловеч 5500

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Тел. 0898584502

Електронна поща: info@metaldetecting.bg

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Тел. 0887933802

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